Morehouse Real Estate Institute

Student Application Form

Our Institute is designed to provide students with hands-on experience and insights into the dynamic world of real estate and construction. This form allows us to get to know you better and understand your aspirations, experiences, and commitment to making a positive impact in the industry. We appreciate your thoughtful responses to the questions, as they help us select candidates who align with our mission.

Personal Information

Academic Information

Real Estate Classes Have you enrolled in any of Morehouse College's real estate courses?

Short Answer Questions:

1. Why are you interested in joining the Morehouse Real Estate Institute?

2. How do you envision applying the knowledge and skills gained from the program to your future career goals?

3. Share an example of a project, extracurricular activity, or experience that demonstrates your ability to work effectively as part of a team.

4. The real estate and construction industries have unique challenges. Can you describe a challenge you've faced in the past and how you approached solving it?

5. Diversity is important in the real estate industry. How do you envision contributing to a diverse and inclusive environment within the Morehouse Real Estate Institute?

Resume/CV and Transcript

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Additional Information

How did you hear about the Morehouse Real Estate Institute?

Terms and Conditions

I have read and agree to the following Terms and Conditions:

  • I understand that submitting this application does not guarantee acceptance into the program.
  • If accepted, I commit to actively participating in all required components of the program.
  • I grant permission to the Morehouse Real Estate Institute to use my submitted materials for promotional purposes.
  • I understand that the information provided in this application is accurate and truthful.

Accept Terms and Conditions?

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